淘宝购得SRF02超声波模块,优点就是一体模块,收发一体,通过一个换能器完成,通过网上资料做了串口的一个上位机,用来实时显示超声波模块测得的距离(PS 20CM内为盲区),下面是软件的截图 用labview编的小程序,需要的可以安装试一下啊;
直接使用串口模式接到PC机上,记得串口要是TTL的 不能使232的。如果是232的 记得要转换成TTL 的:
下面是我找的一些资料 具有参考意义
- 本品为原装进口Daventech的最新型SRF02超声波传感器。专业的用户完全知道SRF系列超声波传感器的优越性能,与国产的传感器有着质的区别。不管是在性能参数、做工和工作稳定性上都是国际一流的级别。新款SRF02采用1个换能器,有效的减小了体积以及功耗。同时SRF02不但提供了I2C接口,也第一次提供了串口接口,使其能够适应更多系统架构。
- SRF02超声波模块的探测距离为15厘米-6米,大品牌的性能参数都是经过超严格的实验测定,用户可以绝对放心。绝对是一个SRF02顶多个国产同类产品。如果你的项目对超声波性能有严格要求,那么SRF系列是你的绝好选择。
- 根据我们多年机器人开发的经验,我们非常推荐在机器人项目中应用该超声波模块。通过此模块,可以获得在声纳范围内的确切的障碍物的距离。你的机器人将可以像蝙蝠一样通过声纳来感知周围的环境,只需要小小的一段代码,就可以根据障碍物的距离来精确的控制你的电机运行,从而让你的机器人可以轻松的避开障碍物。
- 工作电压:5v
- 工作电流:4mA(典型)
- 工作频率:40KHz
- 接口类型:TTL串行接口/I2C接口
- 波束角:55度
- 尺寸:24x20x17mm(高)
- 重量:4.6g
- +5v Vcc: 电源管脚,接5V电源正极
- SDA/Rx:IIC模式时,IIC数据管脚;UART模式时,UART数据接收管脚
- SCL/Tx: IIC模式时,IIC时钟管脚;UART模式时,UART数据发送管脚
- Mode:通信模式选择,该引脚内部上拉至Vcc。悬空不接时,SRF02处于IIC通信模式;接到GND时,SRF02处于UART通信模式。
- 0v Ground: GND,接5V电源的地
/* Sample code for test the SRF02 with the I2C mode based on Arduino UNO! Command for reference:http://robot-electronics.co.uk/htm/srf02techI2C.htm Connection: SRF02 Arduino 5v Vcc -> 5V SDA -> A4 SCL -> A5 Mode -> no connection 0v Ground -> GND updated by youyou. 20140418 */ #include <Wire.h> void setup() { Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master) Serial.begin(9600); // start serial communication at 9600bps } int reading = 0; void loop() { // step 1: instruct sensor to read echoes Wire.beginTransmission(112); // transmit to device #112 (0x70) // the address specified in the datasheet is 224 (0xE0) // but i2c adressing uses the high 7 bits so it's 112 Wire.write(byte(0x00)); // sets register pointer to the command register (0x00) Wire.write(byte(0x51)); // command sensor to measure in "centimeters" (0x51) // use 0x51 for centimeters // use 0x52 for ping microseconds Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting // step 2: wait for readings to happen delay(70); // datasheet suggests at least 65 milliseconds // step 3: instruct sensor to return a particular echo reading Wire.beginTransmission(112); // transmit to device #112 Wire.write(byte(0x02)); // sets register pointer to echo #1 register (0x02) Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting // step 4: request reading from sensor Wire.requestFrom(112, 2); // request 2 bytes from slave device #112 // step 5: receive reading from sensor if (2 <= Wire.available()) // if two bytes were received { reading = Wire.read(); // receive high byte (overwrites previous reading) reading = reading << 8; // shift high byte to be high 8 bits reading |= Wire.read(); // receive low byte as lower 8 bits Serial.print(reading); // print the reading Serial.println("cm"); } delay(250); // wait a bit since people have to read the output :) }
/* Sample code for test the SRF02 with the UART mode based on Leonardo! Command for reference:http://robot-electronics.co.uk/htm/srf02techSer.htm Connection: SRF02 Arduino 5v Vcc -> 5V Rx -> 1(TX) Tx -> 0(RX) Mode -> GND 0v Ground -> GND Designed by youyou. 20140418 */ void SendCmd(unsigned char address,unsigned char cmd) { Serial1.write(address);//set the address of SRF02(factory default is 0) delayMicroseconds(100);//serial data is fixed at 9600,N,8,2,so we need some time to creat the sencond stop bit Serial1.write(cmd);//send the command to SRF02 delayMicroseconds(100);//serial data is fixed at 9600,N,8,2,so we need some time to creat the sencond stop bit } void setup(void) { Serial.begin(9600); Serial1.begin(9600); Serial.println("SRF02 TEST!"); } void loop(void) { unsigned int reading; SendCmd(0x00,0x51);//Real Ranging Mode - Result in centimeters delay(70);//time for SRF02 to measure the range SendCmd(0x00,0x5E);//Get Range, returns two bytes (high byte first) from the most recent ranging. delay(10);//wait for some time,let the Arduino receive 2 bytes data from the TX pin of SRF02 if(Serial1.available()>=2)//if two bytes were received { reading = Serial1.read()<<8;//receive high byte (overwrites previous reading) and shift high byte to be high 8 bits reading |= Serial1.read(); // receive low byte as lower 8 bits Serial.print(reading); // print the reading Serial.println("cm"); } delay(250); // wait a bit since people have to read the output :) }
Arduino Leonardo的串口1让串口设备使用起来很方便。当然,如果你没有Leonardo板子,你也可以使用Arduino UNO软串口。只需要把以上代码的 “Serial1” 改成 “mySerial” ,然后在代码开头处加上这些语句:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> <br> SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX
好吧, 对于这些是一点也不懂的